Year: 2016
Landscape studies from 2016
Virtual plein air studies done as speed paints – though I didn’t record what the time limit was on each painting, sadly! Speedpaint practice is the best way to convince yourself that time sometimes directly equals quality. Gouache paintings done about 50% on site as plein air work. and 50% in the studio after the…
Gaming at the Museum – Combining Gaming with Crafts, Museum Collections and Storytelling
So in addition to running tabletop games twice a day for the kids’ summer camp I ran at the Aga Khan Museum, we supplemented gameplay with a few different things: firstly, we spent time every day in the museum’s collection and travelling exhibits; we read aloud stories from the Shahnameh; and we did hands on…
Gaming at the Museum – Writing Campaigns following Rostam’s Seven Trials
For our Dungeon World in the Shahnameh summer camp at the Aga Khan Museum, one of the challenges in the prep was writing adventures for up to four groups of players that kept them all wrapped up in Rostam’s Seven Trials, without tripping over Rostam or changing his story, and didn’t have them competing with…
Gaming at the Museum – Building a Setting from the Shahnameh
For the Aga Khan’s Dungeons and Dragons camp they wanted to go above and beyond a basic DnD game and take the kids into a very specific world – the world of the Shahnameh. The Shahnameh is the longest epic poem (by a single author) known, written by the poet Ferdowsi about 1000 years ago.…
Gaming at the Museum – Playing Dungeon World with 9-12y/os – Part 2
Gaming with kids was new to me – I’ve gamed with a lot of adults, and with folks who are new to gaming as well as experienced old hats, but kids was different, and not necessarily in a bad way! Firstly, I’d say that over half the kids were immediately ready to take the game…
Gaming at the Museum – Playing Dungeon World with 9-12y/os – Part 1
TLDR: It was great! Highly recommended. Learn more about Dungeon World here! The first thing I asked the kids was whether they were familiar with Dungeons and Dragons, and not a single one of them raised their hand. After digging around pop cultural references with them, the closest thing they could think of was the…
Gaming at the Museum – Introduction!
In July I spent a week running a Dungeon World campaign as part of summer camp for 16 kids, aged 9-12, at the Aga Khan Museum in Toronto. It was my first longer campaign that I’ve designed, and the three assistants I had (who were amazing, thank you all!) had never run any tabletop RPGs before whatsoever. I’d been…
Urban Fantasy Character Designs
Digital design lineup of four spunky teens off to investigate spirits in their city. Below are some of the process pages used to develop four complimentary designs, focusing at first on shape. Earlier development sketches available below.
URMYXI – Risograph Wizard Art Print Design
Fantasy illustration of a powerful wizard generating multiple selves through chronomancy, centred around an all-seeing third eye, glowing with power. Drawn in ink, separated in Photoshop, printed by Colour Code Risography. The photoshop file really doesn’t tell you how magical the risograph will be, but if you’re curious: Detail shots of the print – and…
Orin and the Dead Man’s Sword Comic Sample
Orin and the Dead Man’s Sword is a one-off, 24 page, wordless fantasy comic about tripping across a cursed sword while lost in the forest. It was printed in 2014 in a split LP style Weald Comics anthology, and reprinted in 2017 as a risograph book. You can read the whole thing on Stories alongside…