Month: February 2017
Character Designs for HeroQuest Glorantha
For The Coming Storm, I worked with art director Jeff Richards to create a lineup of 75 NPCs to populate the setting. Each character had to visually communicate specific cultural and personal character traits visually, and be recognizeable if reproduced in multiple formats. Here are a few of the lineups.
Winter Botryoidal Crystal Island
Painted in gouache on watercolour paper, 4 x 6″, 2017
Magenta Mountain Crystal Island
Painted in gouache on watercolour paper, 4 x 6″, 2017
Fantasy Silhouette Crystal Island
Painted in gouache on watercolour paper, 4 x 6″, 2017
Red Silhouette Crystal Island
Painted in gouache on watercolour paper, 4 x 6″, 2017