Month: June 2022

  • Across the Old Battlegrounds – Environment Concept

    Across the Old Battlegrounds – Environment Concept

    Herders and their stagmoose, dramatic geology, and a landscape strewn with the remains of history. Loose sketch concept.

  • Environment Design for Unannounced Solarpunk Game

    Environment Design for Unannounced Solarpunk Game

    Environment design exploring the possibility of using asset store models to populate the level without losing the worldbuilding and colour design. Created as a thorough guide for the level designer, including labelled assets and isolated colour palette information. We started with thumbnails painted from level blockout exploration to choose a location to build up: The…

  • Blue Sky Environment Concept for unannounced solarpunk game from Peculiar Path

    Blue Sky Environment Concept for unannounced solarpunk game from Peculiar Path

    Blue sky ideation process for environment designs and world building for an unannounced game from Peculiar Path. The final image: The linework: Stages in the design process – we started with something fairly realistic, pushed it to extremely stylized, and ended up somewhere in the middle for the final.

  • Cabin Designs for unannounced game from Peculiar Path

    Cabin Designs for unannounced game from Peculiar Path

    We did a pass exploring a more contemporary/futuristic aesthetic for the setting, focusing again on a cabin as a proof of concept, integrating elements from cutting edge material work in architecture and design. The client provided a 3D blockout and some basic lights, built off of the floor plan and elevations, that I used as…

  • Interior Solarpunk Environment Designs

    Interior Solarpunk Environment Designs

    Interior design process for an unannounced title from Peculiar Path Games, featuring a cabin room and associated balcony layout. The final room concept: The final balcony concept, complete with floor plan and several callouts: The cabin concept development process, start to finish, including a rough 3D blockout and feedback notes.

  • Four Solarpunk Character Designs

    Four Solarpunk Character Designs

    These four characters were designed for an unannounced Peculiar Path title. Below are some of the stages these characters went through. We started with a skeletal template to help simplify future rigging processes, and iterated possible characters on top of it: Once we had drawings down, we went through a colour design process: