Month: November 2022
urban ecosystem metaphors
Recently having read that The Death of the Artist book, wherein a subchapter detailed at length not just the brutal gentrification process that artist presence in a neighbourhood is part of/causes/is a result of, but lays out how, in intentional urban neighbourhood design, the visible presence of artists is considered an amenity for middle class…
the platinum desk fountain pen of my dreams
Took some photos of my fav pen right now, the Platinum desk fountain pen! It’s fun to sketch and to write with – I’ve been taking work notes with it and also doodling a fair bit recently. I’m going to do a test run of inking a simple short comic with it and I will…
a wish for the internet
I’ve been trying to nurse a sketchbook habit back into existence this year, and one of the things I desperately miss is a place where I can share drawings as ideas and not as achievements.