Month: December 2023
more website thoughts
as I continue to chip away at my website, and get a feel for wordpress’s new full site editor capacity, I’m more excited than ever about what I can do with my website and also having some decision paralysis around what to do next, you know? I think I mentioned this in an earlier post…
Etching and Acid Baths and Surrender
Friends, I just finished teaching the last third of a course on print production, and between that and the whole thing with twitter’s crop changing (somewhere? not for me but somewhere?) I’ve found myself thinking a lot about copper etching and my relationship with the acid bath. So, first up, copper etching is an art…
arm updates and a couple paintings
(crossposted from my tumblr) some left-handed gouache studies from the past week, after taking a couple months off thanks to the arm surgery and a deep fear that being bad at it would take all the fun out of it for me. painted on 12×16 paper, so I can get less mad about my wobbly…