the writing about photography:

  • Cellphone Photography: All About White Balance

    Cellphone Photography: All About White Balance

    Okay, this first in-depth cellphone photography post is going to be about white balance. One of the things that I often struggle with is getting the colors to look right on my phone. If you’ve ever tried to photograph a sunset, or anything at twilight, or anything in a dramatically lit room, you might have…

  • Digital Camera Blogging

    Digital Camera Blogging

    Folks seemed interested and excited about my Your Cellphone Camera’s Digital Processing Settings and You post, so I think I’m going to do some more specific posts about different things you can do to your digital photos, and I’m going to use Open Camera to demonstrate them on my phone because it’s free for any…

  • Inspiring photographer: Em Sharnoff

    Inspiring photographer: Em Sharnoff

    With the death of cohost, I have tried to make sure to catch my favourite cohost photography folks’ new rss feeds as best I can! And seems worthwhile to share these links with you – if you find something in my photos I bet you’ll see something worthwhile in the photos that make me drop…

  • Your Cellphone Camera’s Digital Processing Settings and You

    Your Cellphone Camera’s Digital Processing Settings and You

    I am mad about cellphone cameras hiding the processing they do to my photos, and I am glad about software I found that lets me control it and opt in and out.

  • What Format You Might Want To Save Digital Photos In

    What Format You Might Want To Save Digital Photos In

    What format do you recommend I save photographs in? Like raw or jpeg? I don’t know the difference.

  • how i am doing accidental exposure therapy for my fear of bugs

    how i am doing accidental exposure therapy for my fear of bugs

    So I’ve been taking photos of bugs, now that I can trust my phone to not chew up any macro or zoom photography I take, and sharing them onto iNaturalist. it scratches my look I took a photo itch, it scratches my talking about cool things itch, it often tells me what bug I took…

the photos: