Category: tech life

  • learned something important about my website

    i have footnote capabilities already! Ahh, the newly distracting ways I can write, unfolding before my like cells in the library of babel… Unfortunately I am already not to be trusted with most punctuation; I will resist all efforts to simplify my sentences, and I WILL nest (or embed) too many clauses! Anyways, this has…

  • Recommended: the Wacom ExpressKey Remote

    Recommended: the Wacom ExpressKey Remote

    I want to talk a bit about this tool! It’s put out by Wacom, who make those screen tablets and drawing tablets that you’ve probably seen artists reference online. Wacom are an old, maybe the oldest brand in that space, and while I wouldn’t describe them as hugely experimental, they do have the decades of…

  • Digital Camera Blogging

    Digital Camera Blogging

    Folks seemed interested and excited about my Your Cellphone Camera’s Digital Processing Settings and You post, so I think I’m going to do some more specific posts about different things you can do to your digital photos, and I’m going to use Open Camera to demonstrate them on my phone because it’s free for any…

  • while i am gardening this website i realize the weeding process is maybe invisible

    As I edit posts for spelling and grammar and tagging and layout and all these little invisible things I do to try and learn how to wrangle my website and all its content, I realize that a) this seems to kick them back into RSS “unread” status, which must be annoying..? and b) most folks…

  • more website thoughts

    as I continue to chip away at my website, and get a feel for wordpress’s new full site editor capacity, I’m more excited than ever about what I can do with my website and also having some decision paralysis around what to do next, you know? I think I mentioned this in an earlier post…

  • website planning ramble

    Since moving apartments, I’ve been feeling a kind of spring cleaning urge for all of my things physical and it turns out, digital. Since my physical belongings are an unmanageable mountain of family heirlooms in the form of bankers boxes full of loose photographs, and artifacts from my grandmother’s childhood that nobody can identify but…

  • a wish for the internet

    I’ve been trying to nurse a sketchbook habit back into existence this year, and one of the things I desperately miss is a place where I can share drawings as ideas and not as achievements.