Hey cohost I could use some help or some referrals to people who might actually be able to help or even like a really helpful YouTube video
So I’m down to one hand for typing and mousing and everything which as you might expect is making me twitchy with frustration, just constant ongoing frustration
I’ve been learning how to touch type with just my left hand on a small keyboard, the logic tech K480 – so ask number one is if you have a recommendation for a good quality mechanical not just compact but legit smaller keyboard or intentionally designed for left hand one hand only typing keyboard, but specifically one that still uses the QWERTY layout.

I enormously do not want to learn another layout. I was a very fast touch typer averaging 90 words a minute and in a flow state 130 a 140, and I know that layout very literally like the back of my hand. Before all this happened I had relearned that layout on a variety of other ergonomic keyboards, from ones that were just different proportions, to ones that were split entirely apart. I know I can relearn that layout in a different proportion, and I I don’t want to learn another layout.
The thing is I have to use keyboards other than the one keyboard I have at my desk, right? Like I have to be able to use a keyboard at the library or on my phone or my iPad or literally any other keyboard in the universe. It makes sense to me to get better at using my left hand on a universal keyboard layout instead of re learning something even something like door Jack that maybe isn’t completely unknown but still not reliably available.
I’ve been using typingclub.com training and it helps, but it’s clearly limited, y’know?
Anyways why I’m asking for help is because I really can’t find what I’m looking for right now and I could really use some help locating it.
If you’re noticing some weird errors in this post it’s because I’m using Windows dictation to write it because I’m tired. Windows dictation is not great, it has a lag because it’s using stuff on line and, because it’s using stuff on line, it just glitches out some times. I would also really really like to learn good reliable trainable voice to text software. I don’t need to operate my whole computer with it, mousing is certainly still fine, but I would love to be able to edit my own text as well. Especially I would like to be able to correct the software when it mishears me so that it can learn. Also, fun fact, windows dictation ******* sensors me.
(….switching to typing after that last sentence fully glitched out windows dictation)
so if you have any tried-and tested recommendation (please don’t just google, i am still capable of googling tyvm) please please pass them along.
sorry for the brutally irritable tone, it hasn’t even been two weeks and i am really having a Time whenever i sit down to my computer, a thing i once took immense pride in being very comfortable using.
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