i have footnote capabilities already!1 Ahh, the newly distracting ways I can write, unfolding before my like cells in the library of babel…2 Unfortunately I am already not to be trusted with most punctuation; I will resist all efforts to simplify my sentences, and I WILL nest (or embed3) too many clauses! Anyways, this has been fair warning4. Footnotes ensue.
small posts to be enjoyed en masse
brief internet things
Skeletons (2010)
Shoutout to Jurie and Andy for sharing this gem with me; deeply british, dry, spooky, sweet, and shows you the tip of the iceberg of a larger occult understanding that is revealed further through rewatchings and the subsequent mulling over you might do at the pub after with a friend.
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while i am gardening this website i realize the weeding process is maybe invisible
As I edit posts for spelling and grammar and tagging and layout and all these little invisible things I do to try and learn how to wrangle my website and all its content, I realize that a) this seems to kick them back into RSS “unread” status, which must be annoying..? and b) most folks will not be able to discern any difference in the post itself in most cases.
So what if each post had a potential little changelog on it for stuff like that? so when I modify it I can add a reason why? is that … interesting to anyone else? I’m likely to do it just for myself but let me know. Also, are there folks doing this in a fun way? Curious website owners want t ofind out.
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Thermal print camera and ttrpg play!
Shoutout to curious quail for this wonderful example of where thermal printing is fun and cute and useful!
Hunting Cryptids with Frame 352 (and a cheap thermal print camera) | quailblogAnalog journaling game meets toy receipt paper camera – just in time for Octobercomments
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Thermal printer tutorial:
This is a great short breakdown into getting prints out of your label printer! Hope this helps folks hack theirs while I keep testing the limits of mine.
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quick game dev thoughts
lovely new art toy!
a 27qhd cintiq! complete with pen, stand AND express key remote!
seriously, I’ve already discovered how useful the remote is, it saved me yesterday during hours of setting up tiny assets in unity. it’s enormously more ergonomic for my partially paralyzed right hand than a keyboard right now and i wish I’d thought to try one much much earlier!
overall it’s beautiful and the extra screen real estate even makes game dev’s constant problem of too many apps slightly less annoying! not sure I’m back to full digital painting yet, but it was a great deal and i am glad i snagged it, even if it’s a bit earlier than initially planned.
anyone have any hot tips for min-maxing a Cintiq of this vintage?
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asking for recs
i am starving for all the “how to art direct but not at a AAA company” content the universe can provide, certainly so i can continuously get better at my job, but also because I don’t yet have a language for what I’m doing all day every day at work and, like in this Lee Petty talk, I often unlock awareness of decisions I’m making simply by giving them a name.
Would love any recommendations! I’ve dug through gdc’s youtube archive and hunger for moooooooorrrrre
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freelance artist psa from your friendly neighbourhood art director
please, please, please god, please, put your website address on all your social medias
and then
please, please,
put your email on your websitecomments
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photos one by one
little art updates
Vine Tomatoes Still Life in Oil Pastel
For this one i used all my oil pastels, from the hardest to the stickiest to the softest. The grain of the canvas panel was filled in very quickly and because all the pastels besides sennelier are so opaque, i feel like i lost some of the vibrancy I’d found in the strawberry earlier. However, […] (…)
Neocolor carnation
Drawn without water, on a 6 x 9″ grey blue cardstock, I think Strathmore brand. Drawn from life, from a lovely birthday bouquet. (…)
why are they called pencil crayons in canada?
Canadian here, and I can confirm that, while admittedly I have never seen a product list itself as a pencil crayon in Canada, we all agree that’s what coloured pencils are referred to as in conversation. Now, certainly more research could be worth doing but, I have a theory… see, our packaging is mandated bilingual, […] (…)
Dragon Getting a Pet
Get scrungled, as they say. Watercolour and carbon ink. I decided go back in and see if I can’t push the clarity on this further with gouache and I think it really helped! My photodocumentation is such shit in the winter with no natural light available, sorry. Maybe I’ll scan some sketchbook pages this year! […] (…)
Aquarium Gouache Study
4 x 6″ gouache prawn. I decided to try using some drying time extenders – glycerine, watercolour blending medium – to try for more of a wet in wet blend approach, but honestly it was hard to keep the paint thick enough that it wasn’t just running all over the page. Something to retry in […] (…)
Purple Bellflower Study in Oil Pastel
Drawn on very, very smooth paper, a mistake I will not make again. Photo ref taken from my database of plants that I have grown (intentionally or not!) in my garden over the years. (…)
Fountain Pen Sketching
Drawn from pinterest ref with my FPR ultraflex nib over an undersketch done with a long blade nib and washed into the page with a waterbrush. (…)
Neocolor II Boat Sketch
Painted in my sketchbook with neocolor iis over a fountain pen sketch. Reffed from pinterest. After having my ass kicked learning to draw boats for a game in 2021, I can’t stop thinking about them! Little boats especially I find so incredibly cute. (…)
just spitballin’ here
practicing writing and drawing with my awful terrible no good left hand moodboard
i’m gonna relearn how to enjoy this if it kills me.
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