
I make art!

I make things. We’re calling them art for the time being but honestly it’s mostly process and some outcomes.

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oil pastel or watercolour or gouache or digital art or sculpture

I am happiest when helping other people get excited to make things, so please drop questions and such in the comments fields and let me know what you’re hoping to make these days too!

  • thermal printer experiments

    finally got some paper rolls for my label printer and started the important process of figuring out how to make zines with it 💪

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  • oil pastel boat

    oil pastel pinterest study; i bought a pack of much firmer pastels and did the whole under drawing with those, and then layered the thick opaque pastels on top, and it really worked well!

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  • wyrmsketch

    metallic and shimmer watercolours plus fountain pen

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  • Oil pastel dragon riding team

    really love the colour palette i achieved here! not sure the drawing was strong enough to support it though, and the canvas was definitely too small for me at the level of precision in comfortable with right now. in the end i called this off before feeling 100% satisfied, but that’s simply the nature of exploratory work and no harm done. as i said, still very proud of this colour scheme!

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  • Three Pine Grosbeaks

    my latest oil pastel experiment is this painting of three pine grosbeaks, referencing a CC0 photograph shared as part of an observation on inaturalist.

    this one was created on illustration board, with a full under painting in watercolor first, which you can see in the third image. The illustration board texture has a wonderful grain and could be a very satisfying surface for oil pastel, but it tends to warp pretty dramatically when painted on with water-based media. you can see any image on the right how much it has bowed out while wet; what you can’t see is that it has an inverse warp in it once dried. clamping it down to draw on it released some but not all of it. unfortunately this means it’s just not a good solution for anything with a watercolor under painting.

    inaturalist has been a really exciting thing for me to explore, and once I discovered that you can search observations by image license I got really excited. if you’re also looking for reference, especially of specific animals, it might be a great place to start.

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  • oil pastel sweat bee

    I painted this one on sanded paper, the much admired pastelmat type, and found it desperately unintuitive. The grippy surface could be nice, but it’s completely unabsorbant, and i found myself unable to layer the way I’m used to on rag papers, or honestly even on wood. that said, you really can blend infinitely on this stuff, so if that’s your jam you might get more out of it than i did!

    Subject-wise this is based on my own photograph from a recent roadtrip, and it was a delight to get to zoom in on something I shot myself and try translating it into oil pastel! I’ve been playing more and more with macro lenses and extreme depth of field, and have been meaning for a while to experiment with translating that effect into paint of some kind of another.

    That said, abstracting, blurring, and softening things is both really easy to do with oil pastel and really tricky to add nuance to. I can see some places in here where the effect is really landing, and others where things feel almost into only two planes, rather than the three or more I’d like to have had throughout. So, much to learn down this path, but I’m excited to keep going with it!

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  • mixed media test: failed haha

    i did a quick watercolour (first) and gave it a coat of fixative so i could try out layering oil pastels on top for a mixed media look (second), but I’ve hit a few challenges:

    • the oil pastels are very opaque and happily fully obscure the watercolour under them very very quickly
    • the fixative has reduced the absorbency of the paper so the pastels are staying greasy and moving around very easily, giving me wonderful nuance and also no control somehow at the same time
    • my original value plan was loose and crappy and had little contrast to speak of, not a strong place to start
    • and watercolour has, naturally, such incredibly dark values compared to oil pastels, that i can’t get them both in the same range whatsoever. i dug too deep into the darks, as it were.
    • also i had very little plan to speak of and a pretty terrible drawing, so this was maybe doomed from the start

    so likely I’ll toss this now and move on, but it has taught me a fair amount of interesting technical facts, which i plan to remember, and also reminded me of some basic truths about planning, drawing, and values, that i would like to remember but will probably ignore once again at some point in the near future.

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  • WIP Knight in Oil Pastel

    this is the biggest thing I’ve painted yet with the oil pastels; gonna be working in it for a while

    i was looking at digital paintings from 2022, and thinking about the method I had started using back then of having a mark making stage and a blending stage as two separate things; and the oil pastels are letting me start to approximate the same workflow, but on paper! interesting…

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  • Another portrait in oil pastel
    New challenge recognized: glossy black fur.
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  • oil pastel dog portrait!

    finished this piece of a much missed lucky boy; oil pastel on canson mi-tientes paper.

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  • oil pastel dog portrait in progress

    working on canson mi-tientes paper, which really let’s the pastel slide around despite the rougher side’s surface texture.

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  • Wolf in oil pastel

    painted on canson mi-tientes pastel paper

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    2 responses to “Wolf in oil pastel”
      1. Shel Kahn


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  • oil pastel study

    in a Robert Bateman sketchbook, using Neopastels from Caran d’Ache.

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  • Dog Sketches in Procreate

    Drawn with my non-dominant hand:

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  • Winter Botryoidal Crystal Island

    Painted in gouache on watercolour paper, 4 x 6″, 2017

    Winter Botryoidal Crystal Island

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  • Sunset Crystal Island

    Painted in gouache on watercolour paper, 2017

    Sunset Crystal Island

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  • Fantasy Crystal Island

    Painted in gouache on watercolour paper, 4 x 6″, 2017

    Fantasy Crystal Island

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  • Buried Head Crystal Island

    Pencil crayon on paper, 2017

    Buried Head Crystal Island

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