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This illustration was drawn for Robin Laws’ Yellow King RPG‘s Paris book, a portrait of Addhema, vampire and excellent dresser, unconcerned about an attempt to incinerate her. It was created in watercolour and coloured pencil, and took inspiration from the art of the era, including the symbolist and late romantic painters, as well as sculpture and poster design.
I’ve had the privilege of teaching art in a variety of environments – from still life oil painting at the college level, to combining art with science and history in a museum setting, to guiding highschool students through creating a comics anthology. Through these very different settings, I’ve found a list of constants that, when I keep them in mind, help me deliver the most enjoyable and effective art education for my students.
One of my core beliefs is that art is, at the heart of it all, something a student must teach themself, and that a classroom, workshop, or camp that wants to teach art is actually responsible for creating an environment and offering projects that facilitate that self-driven learning.
With that on the table, here is the pantheon of truths that, if I can hold on to all of them, help me create that learning environment:
(photo of me in my natural environment taken by Craig Morrison at the Oasis Skateboard Factory)
The Crystal Kobold is a mischievous friend, with an eye for the shiniest of treasures.
Watercolour and coloured pencil on watercolour paper, 2017.
Here’s a few lineups of prop and architectural element designs created very early on in the process for Rocket 5 Studios, for their release The Phantom P. I.!
Gouache painting.
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